
  • Vst Plugin Tracks3 Classic Eq
    카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 22. 15:05

    Pro Plugin: Waves 550a & 550b. Waves 550a and 550b are fantastic native emulations of the API EQ. These are great-sounding and versatile plugins to get the API sound on your tracks. Neve consoles are the world’s most prized vintage recording equipment. This supremely classy plugin from French developer Eiosis sounds as good as any EQ - hardware or software - we’ve ever heard, and is blessed with a range of specialist controls that give it a personality all its own. The T-RackS Classic Equalizer consists of a high quality six-band parametric EQ, specially designed to achieve high-end performance in a mastering environment. Classic Chorus is a nice Plugin for adding Depth, Fatness and Stereo perspective to almost any Electrical Instruments or Vocal. Smooth Chorus effects Stereo spread. Ultra low CPU usage. Supports sampling rates up to 96kHz. Full VST.

    1. Classic Vst Plugins Free
    2. Auto Eq Vst

    16 different EQ plugins

    Today the market for VSTeq plugins is saturated and prices have dropped a lot since a company could sell their SSL bundle for over $3000. The marked for new 5 band equalizers is practically gone.

    Size 1.82 MB Modern Equalizer is a classicparametric EQ. EQ In/Out button Phase flip In/Out button High-pass filter control (off, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360 Hz) Low-freq control (60. EQ FREQUENCY VST. Onlooking Angeloider. This track was written Fl Studio 11.When recording was used VST (Native-Instruments Kontakt)Track turned sad, atmospheric, deep, melodious and very.

    Vst plugin tracks 3 classic eq

    Classic Equalizer by IK Multimedia is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin, an AAX Plugin and a Standalone Application.

    The number of DAW users is higher than ever but that also goes for the number of developers bursting out products.
    The value of music has fallen and so has the music production gear used to make it.

    Emulating old analog hardware has been popular and is probably still selling.

    This article is about software equalizers and we take a look at 16 of them grouped by following styles

    • Solid State Logic
      • SSL Native tools based on the famous large console from the late '80s and forward
    • Neve
      • The fat analog op amp sound from the '70s will always be modern
    • Pultec
      • An all-valve design with cut and boost on the same bands for different curves
    • Modern
      • Clean digital software rewriting the take on a user-friendly plugin with a good sound

    SSL style

    SSL like equalizers are equalizers emulating analog equalizers from the 80's console.

    • SSL Native Channelstrip V6
    • Metric Halo Channelstrip 3
    • Waves 4000
    • Native Instruments Solid Series

    Neve style

    A series of equalizers emulating some of the classic designs by Rupert Neve

    • Scheps 73
    • VEQ4
    • Stillwell Audio 1973

    Modern digital style

    Modern digital equalizers developed with optimized GUI and multiple bands.

    • Izotope Inc EQs
    • SSL X-EQ
    • Fabfilter eqs

    Pultec style

    An old analog Valve based design giving unique features and sound

    • IK Multimedia EQP 1A
    • Nomadfactory AS Pulse

    the plugins

    Modern eqs with no emulation

    Moderne digital plugins that do not try to sound like any old gear has the highest versatility and best GUI options compared to the more or less faithful emulations. Companies like Izotope Inc and SSL have good modern equalizers with a user-friendly GUI.

    Fabfilter Pro Q 2 and 3

    Vst Plugin Tracks3 Classic Eq

    This has become very popular for its interface and features. Clearly an inspiration for other developers.

    • Multiband up to 24 bands
    • Mouse scroll Wheel features
    • Single-band listen mode
    • New and clever GUI

    Izoptope inc Neutron (version 2 and 3)

    Izotopes extensive channel strips with multiple bands

    The plugin is known for its new technology masking feature that connects instances in a network where you can see analysis from other instances as information.

    SSL X-EQ

    SSL X-EQ and SSL X-EQ2 is a modern multiband plugin like the Fabfilters. High-quality processing with an SSL sound.

    The new Version 2 has a unique band parameter pop-up controller where you easily control most band parameters.

    SSL X-EQ 2 has a small but well laid out gui and icons pop-up

    Cubase Frequency

    Frequency is a good versatile equalizer plugin build into Cubase DAW from version 10 Professional.

    This is actually all you need in Cubase

    • 8 bands
      • Stereo and MS
      • Linear option
      • Auto listen mode for isolating a band but not quite as elegant as others
    • Frequency to note on the keyboard

    Like a lot of other Steinberg interfaces it is a bit clumsy but the audio processing results are still good

    Neve style eqs

    This is a classic brand series defined by the selected fixed frequencies and the band widths

    Waves VEQ4

    Waves VEQ4 is a cpu lightweight plugin with 4 bands emulating old analog gear.

    This plugin is suitable for a full mixer setup emulation an all channels analog rack.

    Waves Scheps 73

    Scheps 73 is a plugin designed with Andrew Scheps. A high quality tool with distinct analog features emulating the original hardware.

    A good emulation but a pretty cpu heavy plugin that might need track freeze if used on multi channels. Use it on the important channels.

    Waves API 550B

    The 550B plugin is a faithfull emulation of the old 500 format discrete 4 band hardware version by API. With overlapping frequencies the 4 bands is very versatile.

    An old plugin but it still has a 550B sound and a low cpu usage/latency for a full 48- or 64 channel mixer setup.

    Pultec style eqs

    A series of emulated valve equalizers with a unique analog design with cut and boost on the same bands.

    IK Multimedia EQP 1A

    An emulation of a classic valve unit in a different design. It has boost and cut on the same bands the can form musical curves.
    It works well for deep bass work. A good plugin for bass drum deep bumps.

    Nomad Factory AS Pulse EQ

    It sounds fine but the GUI is a little less readable compared to the IK EQP 1A.

    SSL style eqs

    The SSL is a series of great tools with a certain sound that can do it all

    SSL Native Channelstrip V6

    SSL Channelstrip V6 is a great plugin that contains an emulation of the channelstrip from 4000 E and G series mixer sections. Sound close to the real console.

    Metric Halo Channelstrip 3

    An old but still good channelstrip with a SSL like sound with good performance. One of the most CPU efficient of the plugins mentioned here.

    Waves SSL 4000

    SSL 4000 e was probably the first SSL 4000 emulation done in software. A very cpu lightweight plugin but it has a little latency. The never CLA MixHub has even more of the SSL sound including preamp modeling.

    Nomad Analog Studio Rack State EQ

    A Nomad Factory version of an analog SSL E strip from the 80´s. The GUI is a bit small but it sounds good.
    No VST3 support.

    SSL 4000 Channelstrip E

    An old plugin emulation of the SSL 4000 E and G. Very lightweight but also very old and overrun by others but if you already own this one, use it.
    This tool has a bit of latency but very low cpu usage.

    Native Instruments Solid EQ

    This another bread and butter SSL design from Native Instruments. the GUI is a bit small on a large screen but it has the standard features and easy switch between e and g versions of the design. Zero-latency and a low CPU usage makes this a useful plugin for large projects.

    CPU Usage

    CPU usage and latency can sometimes be a factor in the process before final mixing. When composing a latency-free setup is much more playable than a setup with latency.

    The following image is a screen dump with relative CPU usage comparing 16 equalizers and lower is better.

    CPU usage and latency metering from Reaper Daw. Equalizers.
    # FX is the number of insert VST plugins in the channel. PDC is Plugin Delay Compensation.

    It is good to have a few very CPU lightweight options for composing and other pre-final mixing tasks. According to the CPU usage meter in the image above the Fabfilter equalizer is amazingly low and makes this a no brainer.

    When to use what

    In a practical reality, most software eqs can solve most tasks but some are better and easier than others. Fixed frequency bands might help the rookies or give a certain character.

    Classic Vst Plugins Free

    There are in fact very few situations where you need to buy a certain plugin.

    Plugin selection strategies

    Different plugin strategies to go for:

    • Stay with the build-in DAWs equalizers
      • All professional audio workstations are made with what you need for professional mixing
    • Go for what you have
    • Have at least one plugin in every category in the toolbox
    • Ignore the analog emulation jungle and use one modern 'can do it all' plugin
    • Whenever you are bored or stuck, buy a new plugin
      • This is a popular but expensive and emotional strategy. Not exactly advisable but too much is never enough


    There is not a plugin mentioned in this article that you should not use. All of them have their use. The newer products are of cause the best in audio quality but also tend to be more most CPU requiring some of the older emulation plugins are still useable.

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    EQ is one of the most basic—and important—tools you have as an audio engineer.

    But there are so many different EQs out there, how do you know which ones are for you?

    You might be thinking your DAW’s channel EQ is perfectly fine. But not all EQs are the same. There’s more types than you might think.

    Here’s the 15 best EQ Plugins on the market today:

    This article will teach you about the common styles of EQ and how to use them to shape the perfect sound.

    Let’s dive in!

    Analog EQ

    Early EQs were all analog. Some of the earliest equalizer designs are still around today.

    Engineers covet these analog beauties for the musically pleasing way they shape sounds. The musical qualities are the result of the unique circuit design of each unit.

    Certain EQs became so sought after that plugin designers developed software to emulate them as closely as possible in the digital domain—leading to a mind-boggling ocean of plugin choices.

    So what are the different styles of analog EQ? How do they work? What are they used for and where do they work best?

    There’s no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing an EQ. But there are some helpful guidelines that will help you get started with the classic designs.

    Pultec-style EQ

    The Pultec EQP-1A is the most sought after EQ ever. Well-preserved original units can sell for over $10,000.

    The Pultec EQP-1A is the most sought after EQ ever.

    Fortunately for us, the EQP-1A has a long history of software emulation. Today’s Pultec-style plugins can sound good—if you know how to use them.

    Pultec-style EQ can work wonders to subtly boost top end or extend lows. It can even make broad EQ enhancements without sacrificing any of the original vibe of the sound.

    Since the EQP-1A hails from the earliest era of equalizers, it’s control scheme is a little less intuitive than modern designs.

    The bandwidth control affects both the high and low band, but low band works differently from the high band.

    For the low band, the boost and attenuate knobs are both linked to one of four frequency options. This quirk allows you to both boost and cut at the selected frequency.

    The overlapping filters create a steep bump that’s fantastic for boosting the fundamental frequencies of low end instruments.

    The high band has separate frequency options for boosting and cutting with overlaps at 5 and 10 kHz.

    These controls are interactive and can result in some unique equalization curves.

    Best Pultec EQ VSTs

    Free Plugin: Ignite Amps PTeq-X

    Ignite Amps PTeq-X is a fantastic (and free) way to get started with Pultec-style EQ. It works just like the original so you can get a sense for creating those quirky overlapping curves.

    Cheap Plugin: Waves PuigTec EQP-1A

    The Waves PuigTec EQP-1A is a well-emulated, workhorse Pultec EQ. It’s very affordable if you can catch it on sale.

    Pro Plugin: UAD Pultec EQP-1A

    The UAD Pultec EQP-1A is the industry standard software Pultec. UAD spared no expense in creating the perfect Pultec for your DAW.

    SSL Channel EQ

    SSL console strips did a lot to inform our idea of what a modern EQ is.

    SSL console strips did a lot to inform our idea of what a modern EQ is.

    Classic features we’re familiar with today like integrated high/low-pass filters and variable Q were popularized by these consoles.

    The SSL consoles are famous for their incredibly powerful filters.

    The sharp high/low-pass filters, precise frequency ranges and extremely narrow Q options make this a EQ a first choice for surgical suturing and dramatic tonal changes. Their character is precise but aggressive.

    Best SSL EQ VSTs

    Free Plugin: Smacklabs Logic Channel

    Smacklabs Logic Channel is a good entry-level SSL EQ. This free plugin models the entire SSL channel strip, so you can try out the classic SSL-style compressor and gate/expander while you’re at it.

    Cheap Plugin: Slate FG-S

    The Slate FG-S comes bundled with their very affordable VMR channel strip collection. The FG-S packs all the features and sound of the aggressive, surgical SSL channel EQ.

    Pro Plugin: SSL Native Channel Strip

    SSL recently jumped into the software game with its own line of plugins—including an in-house version of their classic console channel strip. Why not go straight to the source?

    API-style EQ

    Experienced engineers often refer to API as the “American” sound in contrast to the “British” Neve tone.

    They’re two sides of the same classic console coin.

    If you’re a fan of music from the 60’s and 70’s, there’s a good chance some of your favourite records were recorded one of these desks.

    The classic API EQ comes in a three band (550a) or four-band (550b) flavour.

    The bands don’t have individual Q controls, but the EQ is designed so that the Q becomes progressively sharper as you apply more extreme cuts or boosts.

    It’s intuitive and keeps you from worrying too much about the Q setting.

    API-style EQ splits the difference between surgical and sculpting. Mild settings can be very transparent, while extreme cuts or boosts can be dramatic and vibey.

    Best API EQ VSTs

    Free Plugin: Bee-Happy 550

    Bee-Happy 500 is a free API-style plugin for those looking to start with classic 70’s console EQ.

    Cheap Plugin: Sly-Fi Axis

    Sly-Fi Axis is part of the UBK family of products that includes the innovative Kush Audio hardware and software. This EQ is an API on steroids that’s meant to exaggerate the analog colouration of the original.

    Pro Plugin: Waves 550a & 550b

    Waves 550a and 550b are fantastic native emulations of the API EQ. These are great-sounding and versatile plugins to get the API sound on your tracks.

    Neve-style EQ

    Neve consoles are the world’s most prized vintage recording equipment.

    From the early sixties until the mid-eighties, Neve Electronics produced consoles legendary for their warm, musical sound.

    The preamp section of the Neve console strip often gets the most attention, but the EQ is a big part of the Neve sound.

    Neve EQs are another great option for broad, smooth cuts and boosts with lots of character.

    Neve EQs are another great option for broad, smooth cuts and boosts with lots of character.

    There are several different flavours of Neve EQ from the various revisions of the console, but they mostly share the same architecture with a high-pass filter, two or three parametric mid bands and one fixed high band.

    The fixed 12 kHz high band found on the Neve 1073 EQ is famous for its ability to add air to vocals, drum rooms and overheads.

    Best Neve EQ VSTs

    Auto Eq Vst

    Free Plugin: Smacklabs SL84 Console EQ

    Smacklabs SL84 Console EQ will give you a taste of the Neve EQ sound for free. It’s accurately modelled using IR technology.

    Cheap Plugin: Sonimus Burnley 73

    Sonimus Burnley 73 is super economical way to get the sound of a 1073 on to your tracks.

    Pro Plugin: UAD Neve 1073

    The UAD Neve 1073 is a tremendously accurate emulation of the classic 1073 preamp and EQ. It’s incredibly smooth and musical with tone that screams Neve.

    Digital EQ

    We all drool over the analog EQ beauties. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t extremely useful and creative tools that don’t have anything in common with the classics.

    Digital EQ is essential for any DAW. It’s the most precise tool in your EQ tool box.

    Reach for digital EQ when you want to make changes without colouring your sound at all. In the right hands, digital EQ can be powerful, flexible and utterly undetectable.

    Reach for digital EQ when you want to make changes without colouring your sound at all.

    It’s a first choice for “problem solving” duties like notching out room resonances.

    Best Digital EQ VSTs

    Free Plugin: Your built-in DAW EQ

    Most DAWs come bundled with a capable digital EQ. We’re talking about stock DAW plugins like Ableton EQ Eight, Logic Channel EQ, and Avid EQIII. These are all effective entry points into digital EQ.

    Cheap Plugin: Voxengo PrimeEQ

    Voxengo PrimeEQ is a robust, well-designed digital EQ from a respected company. Look no further if you’re after a nice workhorse digital EQ.

    Pro Plugin: Fabfilter ProQ 2

    Fabfilter ProQ 2 is the most technologically advanced EQ on this list. The raw power of this EQ is staggering—it’s a singular feat of DSP engineering. Listing all its incredibly powerful features would take far too long, let’s just say this a top-tier professional EQ!

    Great Equalizer

    There’s a whole world of EQ out there.

    It’s such a fundamental tool that engineers will always have strong opinions about it. And that means that designers will always be creating new and better versions.

    Wading through that water is daunting and exciting at the same time.

    But now that you know a little bit about the types of EQ, go head try some of the plugins on this list. You’ll find out which EQ works best for you!


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